Blog Journal 2


My Microsoft Word Background

In my previous blog entry, I talked a little bit about my broad exposure to technology in educational settings. But one of the specific programs I've used the most throughout my educational career is Microsoft Word. This started in elementary school with some of the first papers and essays I ever wrote, and for the most part, I've used it for the exact same purpose ever since. In middle school and high school I even took classes specifically dedicated to learning about various Microsoft Office applications. Currently, I use it for a variety of writing projects, but occasionally I'll use Google Docs on my phone for the sake of convenience.

My Thoughts on the ISTE

The ISTE are extremely valuable resources for educators and the educational community as a whole. Personally, I find the standard 2.1, Learner, to be the most meaningful for several key reasons. Standard 2.1 refers to the teacher's responsibility to keep actively learning on their own, making sure to stay up to date on the latest educational resources and practices as they become available. One common thread amongst all of the worst teachers I've had over the years is their failure to keep up with the times and adapt to new teaching environments. It is particularly important to avoid this kind of behavior by continually striving to improve your teaching strategy, incorporating new materials and technologies regularly. 

"Digital Natives"

My thoughts on the terms "digital native" and "digital immigrant" relate back to what I discussed in the previous paragraph. While I think it's a slightly strange choice of words, it's definitely an accurate descriptor of my generation, and especially small children today. I've never lived in a time without computers, and neither have any of my peers. While the digital age is still a relatively new concept, (at least in the context of the rest of human history),  it began long enough ago that multiple generations have used computers during their formative years. Digital technology is such an intrinsic part of my life that I take it entirely for granted, and using it has become second nature. This is a drastic difference from many of the teachers I've had over the year, simply due to the age difference. There are some especially young teachers out there who are still older than me, but are within the age range that they too are extremely familiar with computers, so I wouldn't assume that all teachers are "digital immigrants." However, many certainly struggle with a bit of a learning curve,  and so for them, the label would appear fitting. 

"Digital Natives: “Blud, when I get out, we goin' Nando's, innit?” via Tom Bennett" by dullhunk is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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