
Showing posts from March, 2023

Blog Journal 9

 My EME2040 Experience Over all, I have definitely enjoyed my time in this class. It has been great to get a more hands on experience with teaching software than I had before, and the assignments are usually interesting. My only critique of the class is that some of the technology being used feels slightly out of date, with some of the online teaching resources being older programs. That being said, I understand that these may just be industry standard and not an individual choice made by the class curriculum. OER Open educational resources are essentially pieces of instructional content and educational tools readily available on the internet. This means that they are easily accessible with and internet connection, and don't require the physical resources of in person instruction. The link provided below is a resource site that includes several different OER's. I would love to use these resources in a hypothetical classroom environment to introduce supplementary instruction to ...

Blog Journal 7

  Teacher Website For this part of the blog, I attempted to go through the Atmos Godby High School website. Unfortunately I was unable to access individual teacher sites without aoecual login info. However, I was able to look through the main pages of the site and get a feel of what they thought was most important for the general public to know about them. This mostly included awards and student centered initiatives meant to portray a positive image for the school. The Site Using Tech Peofessionally My use of technology in a professional setting will entirely depend upon where I end up career wise. If I manage to make an art career work, then it will become a consistently important tool for my day to day work life. This is especially true given the editing and production software I consistently use as an artist even now. If I do pursue education, I would use software like Schoology to create a more communal environment. PB Works Using PB Works was certainly an interesting expe...