
Showing posts from January, 2023

Blog Journal 2

  My Microsoft Word Background In my previous blog entry, I talked a little bit about my broad exposure to technology in educational settings. But one of the specific programs I've used the most throughout my educational career is Microsoft Word. This started in elementary school with some of the first papers and essays I ever wrote, and for the most part, I've used it for the exact same purpose ever since. In middle school and high school I even took classes specifically dedicated to learning about various Microsoft Office applications. Currently, I use it for a variety of writing projects, but occasionally I'll use Google Docs on my phone for the sake of convenience. My Thoughts on the ISTE The ISTE are extremely valuable resources for educators and the educational community as a whole. Personally, I find the standard 2.1, Learner, to be the most meaningful for several key reasons. Standard 2.1 refers to the teacher's responsibility to keep actively learning on their ...

A Brief Introduction

A Brief Introduction By Lily Weeks Hello! My name is Lily, and welcome to my blog!  A Little Bit About Myself I'm a twenty-year-old multimedia artist, currently studying psychology in my senior year at Florida State University. I work in a variety of mediums, most often devoting my time to independent film and music production. Here are some screenshots from the weird stuff I make: While I intend to keep creating art for the rest of my life, it is a famously difficult career to pursue. So as not to put all of my eggs in one basket, I have spent my years in college preparing for a career that is either psychology or education adjacent. I currently plan on acquiring a teacher's license in either art or psychology, while still creating things that I am passionate about. My Experience with Educational Technology As someone who grew up in the 2000s, the vast majority of my education has been extremely technology-centric. When I was in elementary school, many of my teachers used educ...